The handsome groom....

And yet another totally beautiful bride (I am so lucky to have such good-looking clients)...
I love the smiles on groom's faces as they see their bride walking down the aisle...
I do....
There details...

A toast...

Cutting the cake...

And finally, my favorite part of this wedding...the KARAOKE AND DANCING! Jen and George did something I hadn't seen before...they hired a DJ who does Karaoke...and obviously this couple and their friends had some previous experience performing in front of a crowd....they were dancing and singing all night!

And lastly, I want to say thank you to my good friend Erin, who graciously stepped in at the last minute to second shoot for me because hubby had not yet recovered from his surgery....she was such a natural with the camera, and I had such a good time with her, that I'm going to try to convince her to come along more often. The shots she took were awesome!
Check the website next week for their slideshow!
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