The Peaceful Progression Wake-Up Clock from Hammacher Schlemmer

African Glass Bead Bracelets from VivaTerra
mbt sneakers (to get rid of my flab) from blissworld.com
steep clean from blissworld.com

Metal twig jewelry tree from VivaTerra
This lovely Merinomink scarf and the matching gloves in the color Cappuccino (available here http://www.shopnewzealand.co.nz/en/cp/Takahe_Scarf_Merinomink ) - I already have the hat!
these lip glosses from benefit cosmetics...
The official "Aero-Garden" for growing herbs inside year round
ice cream maker from cuisinart (available at willimas-sonoma)
Canon 5D
Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
Ed Levine necklace. Hint hint to hubby-they have this at Louis Jewelers, next to the guitar shop-I left a card with the product number for you in my car-hint, hint ;-)
Some sort of I-Pod docking station with FM radio for my desk...

To help me make more green choices...
A composter for...well, that's obvious.
An automatic car starter (sorry, no picture)
Oh, and hubby would like some sort of tractor-lawn-mower thing with bulldozer-snowblower-tiller attachements that costs more than our second car
So, that's all I want for Christmas this year....for now....what's on your wish list??
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