Wednesday, December 26, 2007

New York Wedding Affair

"A red carpet entrance with valet parking & formal doormen...An elegant atmosphere with hand-butlered champagne, wine tasting & hors d’oeuvres...A hand-picked selection of New York State's most celebrated wedding professionals...A truly luxurious event dedicated to providing couples with the most unique New York wedding experience..."
WellWed in New York (the fabulous NY wedding magazine I will be advertising in this spring) is hosting the premier bridal show of the year....New York Wedding Affair...Saturday, January 19 from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Universal Preservation Hall in Saratoga Springs, New York....This is sure to be THE place to be to get ideas and inspiration on what's hot for 2008 weddings...Tickets to this exclusive event are limited, and I have one to give away to the next bride that books with me! I wish they had something like this for me to attend when I got married! Each bride will get a gift box filled with $100 worth of goodies, be registed to win a $6,000 gift certificate bouquet featuring certificates for spa services, restaurants, event rentals and more, and there will be a silent auction featuring up to $12,000 worth of jewelry and gifts to benefit the Preservation Hall.
This show is complete with a couture fashion show, cake tastings, and wedding seminars including planning the perfect menu, green weddings, and DIY brides...
check out details at
Look for my portfolio at the show in the wedding library!
Hurry, hurry, hurry...this ticket will go FAST!

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