Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Holiday Cards Are In!

I giggled like a little school girl when I opened the box waiting for me when I got home today! The holiday cards arrived, and they are 100 times nicer than I ever could have imagined! I am so thrilled with them, that I can't stop showing them to my I snapped a few quick shots...the quality of the shots themselves isn't that great b/c I don't have much time tonight, but the cards are phenomenal!!!! For those of you who are waiting...they will be mailed out tomorrow!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Weekend

Over the river and through the woods to GRANDMOTHER's house we went! And, here's the reason why.....

For the first time ever, my mother hosted thanksgiving as a GRANDMOTHER, and off we went...Here's a few shots from my Thanksgiving particular theme...just a quick posting of a few of the people/things I got to see!
Of course, everyone's favorite...CONNOR!

and some family friends...

My cousin, bob (he would only stand still for one shot)...

And the crazy ice we saw the whole ride home....

Monday, November 5, 2007

Michael and Maria's Holiday Session

For me they smile goofy smiles....probably because I am thier aunt, but when my sister in law tells them 'daddy farted', they smile REAL smiles! Sunday I took a couple of portraits of Michael and Maria for their holiday card...and despite the nippy weather, we had fun! Here's what I got...

And here's the holiday card I designed for them...


Inside Left:

Inside Right:


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Madelyn's Holiday Session

Today I spent a few hours with my god-child, Madelyn for her holiday session...As I was showing my hubby the shots from the day he exclaimed, "I can't believe she's only in second grade!" It's crazy, how fast she is growing up! I still remember so vividly the day she was born, and hundreds of days in between!

And, here's the holiday card I designed just for her! The season for Mini Holiday Sessions is just about weekend will probably be the last one, so contact me if you haven't scheduled yours yet and are interested!

Inside Top:

Inside Bottom:
