Sunday, December 2, 2007

AMS Photography gets a makeover!

Today was Christmas in Bolton! It's such a fun day, that hubby and I go every year....even though we don't have kids! Today was fridged, and I mean REALLY we bundled up and headed out...for hot cider, music, the tree lighting, face painting for the kids, children's sing-along's with Chip in the Library, hay rides around town, and yummy food! Since the town got it's makeover today, I thought it was time for AMS Photography to get it's winter makeover...For those of you who are new to the blog, I tend to change it's appearance with the that it coordinates well with the photo's of the season...I don't me CRAZY!
My hubby with his niece, Maria....

Chilly hay rides.....
with SANTA!

And, finally, the Bolton Christmas Tree! We didn't stick around for the tree-lighting ceremony because we'd already been out in the cold for two hours, but I love to see this tree lit at night in town.
Days like today are just one of the many reasons I love this little town!!!!!

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