As some of you know...a few years ago hubby and I were devestated when a flood severely damaged our home...I'll save the long story, but the outpouring of support from the community and our loved one's touched our lives in a very special way...and ever since, we try to 'give back' whenever we I've got two very special things going on this's part one...tomorrow's part two!
Those of you who follow my blog know all about my godchild Connor.... Baby Buckley was born 2 months early weighing less than 3 lb's...and although we were excited for his was scarry all the same...He was the smallest little miracle I had ever seen....and the day I first layed eyes on him I couldn't believe it was's my first picture of him...

Connor spent the next few weeks/months in the NICU, being visited by his parents every day. Although we knew he needed to stay and was receiving the best care possible....leaving the hospital without him was not an easy thing for my sister and her husband! The nurses in the NICU didn't just take good care of Connor, they took good care of my sister and Steve as well...
Even after Connor came home, the care provided by the wonderful community of others who have had premature babies didn't stop...Loving people check in to see how he's doing and the support is endless....Now, we have the opportunity to give back!
This year Connor and his family (including me) are taking part in the March For Babies event on April 29th. It is a walk through Boston to raise money for the March of Dimes, which supports the research of both the cause and the care of premature babies. My goal is to raise $500 for the event, and I need your help to do it! So, here's the deal...visit my fundraising webpage and make a donation....then, send me an email and let me know how much you donated....what ever amount you decide to give, I will match with a gift certificate to Ann Marie Somma photography! This offer is only valid until I reach my goal of $500 so for all of you out there who were planning on having portraits done this year, or adding additional credits onto your wedding package...this is the PERFECT opportunity to do so!