So a few months ago two good friends of mine from college got engaged...we're going to wait for warmer weather to go 'frollicking in the fields' for pictures (as Sara put it), but they wanted a head shot for their announcement in the paper and Sara needed one of herself for her new job's website...I wanted to wait for the new and improved blog to show you these, but I'm not good at being patient ;-)
This one is my favorite for the paper...

but I like this one too...

And this one isn't for the paper...but I thought it was sweet....

and here is the same picture with one of
David Jay's texture's from Switzerland applied to it...I thought it was very appropriate since Sara and I travelled Europe together after college...
another one I liked.....
and here it is with another texture from Switzerland (for those of you who don't know, textures are actual images placed on top of your picture and then edited for different levels of transparency so your image shows through...these are images from David's recent trip to Switzerland)...
These are my two favorite headshots of Sara... is my favorite of the day....
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