Thursday, July 19, 2007


So, I've been just dying to get my hands on a new fangled camera bag called a shootsac ( designed by the fabulous Jessica Claire out in southern California...when the product launched a few months back, it was sold out before I could get my hands on myself (and thousands of other photog's) have been not-so-patiently awaiting the relaunch of the site....which happened Tuesday morning at 3am! So, unlike some of those crazy's out there who got up to buy their shoot sac's at 3am, I waited until a respectible 4am to get on-line and pick out mine....Now, there's just one sac, so no decisions there, but there are these AWESOME covers for the bag, which are selling out like hot cakes! In fact, two of my favorites, Lavish and Drama Queen were sold out by the time I logged on! So I quickly bought myself delightful (which reminds me of my new logo) and around 9am, my most recent Bride, Cynthia, was kind enough to purchase my shootsac and the Derby and Flirt covers for me as a thank you for her wedding pictures! I just love that Derby is brown and black - kind of my personal style's signature colors...and Flirt reminds of the cowgirl hidden deep down in side...more on my cover choices and my efforts to design an logo/website that truly reflects ME tomorrow....for now, here's a peek (from the shootsac website) of what's in the mail for me...

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